Saturday, May 29, 2010

Doing the Chickie Shuffle

Since it's a holiday weekend and DH has some extra time, we got the lil one's a new pen put up. It was getting to be a real pain in my lower back taking chicks out of one tote, put in another, wash first, put back in everyday. They seem happy to have more room to roam.
Moved the DE trio into the house with the banties and pullets. They are still trying to get their bearings. It's like "Mom we were in there yesterday and now can't get into the run." Free ranging with the big kids now.
Will start moving some of the pullets into the big house later tonight. It never ends. LOL!

My broody lost 2 of the 5 eggs. Gone completely. Not to happy about that.

And the Silkies are starting to make chicken sounds. At least the 2 larger Splash, I'm 75% sure one is a roo. Making those first crow sounds last week.

Tomorrow work on the rabbit hutch. That should be fun. I have to take them out, put in the chicken run and then recapture. I think DH get's a kick out of my having to chase the buns. 

The ducks are going thru first molt. Small white feathers EVERYWHERE.

RIP Dennis

So sad to get on the puter, read the headlines and find we have lost another legend.
I first saw Easy Rider as a kid at the drive-in with my parents. We saw a lot of movies that way when I was young. To this day I still cry during the crash scene.
Personal favorite has to be Blue Velvet. What a trippy character. I loved it! He played almost too well. But then again, that's what type of actor he was.

RIP Dennis. You will always be remembered. Thank you for sharing your talent with the world.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Intro to the Tribe

At the moment, this is what poultry I'm raising:

Black Star - 2 these girls are from my original flock. Sweeties and good layers. I would suggest these for anyone wanting good layers and are heat and cold hardy. They didn't let 10" of snow stop them their first winter.

Turkens - 3 hens, 1 roo Ya love the look or hate it. Morticia, Lilian, Lillith and Bella Eggosi

Black Astrolorphs - 3 hens Black Pearl, Onyx, and Jett. Beautiful large birds.

Sundance - a CornishXWellsummer hen aka Pyscho Chicken, currently brooding 5 eggs.

Nevermore - my main rooster. Hatched here. Daddy was an EE roo and Mom a Black Star. He's a really handsome guy and good to the ladies. His best buds are my guieneas Benny (lavender) and Joon (pearl).

New Chickies on the Block

This blog has been a long time in the making. If it's not been one thing it's another.
So last night I decided to start it. Well silly me, took almost an hour to figure out witch email addie I had used.
Without further ado, here we go.

Yesterday morning while doing the morning feeding and watering of the tribe, DH comes out. The post office called, the chicks were here! I wasn't expecting them to later in the week. So I scrambled and got a box, light, etc ready for them.
This was my first time ordering from Murry Mc Murry. I must say I was impressed. They give you a free chick, and a mystery "exotic" chick. Mine were a Light Brahma and a top hat, which I think will be a crested Polish. Since I got Silkies I love the feathered feet chickens and I've been wanting to add Polish to the crew.
I had ordered 2 light and 2 dark Brahma's anyway for myself. The majority of the other chicks will be sold in a few months. One of those Brown Layer mystery deals.
We will be building them a pen this weekend since they will be out growing the current Rubbermaid container by then. 31 chicks take up some room. LOL! This is the second batch I've brooded in on the the 3 houses.

Sundance is setting on 5 eggs of unknown parantage. Hopefully by the second week of June something will hatch.

I also found an "odd" egg in the Banties house today. It's lighter tint than what they normally lay (Americanus) so not sure if one of my full size Americanus are laying or not. They are almost 6 months old now.