Tuesday, May 25, 2010

New Chickies on the Block

This blog has been a long time in the making. If it's not been one thing it's another.
So last night I decided to start it. Well silly me, took almost an hour to figure out witch email addie I had used.
Without further ado, here we go.

Yesterday morning while doing the morning feeding and watering of the tribe, DH comes out. The post office called, the chicks were here! I wasn't expecting them to later in the week. So I scrambled and got a box, light, etc ready for them.
This was my first time ordering from Murry Mc Murry. I must say I was impressed. They give you a free chick, and a mystery "exotic" chick. Mine were a Light Brahma and a top hat, which I think will be a crested Polish. Since I got Silkies I love the feathered feet chickens and I've been wanting to add Polish to the crew.
I had ordered 2 light and 2 dark Brahma's anyway for myself. The majority of the other chicks will be sold in a few months. One of those Brown Layer mystery deals.
We will be building them a pen this weekend since they will be out growing the current Rubbermaid container by then. 31 chicks take up some room. LOL! This is the second batch I've brooded in on the the 3 houses.

Sundance is setting on 5 eggs of unknown parantage. Hopefully by the second week of June something will hatch.

I also found an "odd" egg in the Banties house today. It's lighter tint than what they normally lay (Americanus) so not sure if one of my full size Americanus are laying or not. They are almost 6 months old now.

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