Monday, September 19, 2011

First Fox Fatality and The Population Explosion

Fall is almost here. Yay! My favorite time of the year. August was pretty quiet. Spent a good deal of time getting ready for the school year. Got thru the earthquake and Irene with no damage.
This is Dragon Run Creek that runs on the one side of our property. It was creeping into the dog's run due to Irene. Never lost power or anything here thankfully!

Even tho I had no plans of adding babies this late in the season. Well, ya know.

POLISH and Population Explosion Part 1
Gotta love this one. The lady I bought them from runs a poultry group I'm in, one of many. She said they were "rare, polish - pronounced as in furniture polish". They are freakin Polish as in Poland. We should know. Sonny's Grands came over on the boat from Poland! Some of you know me as Mondz, well that's short for Mondzelewski. Can't get much more Polish than that. And rare, I don't think so. Color combo's maybe.
I bought 3 of the little darlings, 1 week old, pullets.

Here at 2 1/2 weeks. Going thru that Don King phase! LOL!
The Turken is Coco. Named after my fave character on Foster's Home for Imaginary Pets, it's a cartoon. The Polish starting with the Gold Laced - Hershey, the middle one - Zasu, named after Zasu Pitts, she was an actress way back in the day. Not sure on her color yet. And the what I think is going to be Blue is Lola.
They are now in our living room.
Coco was a surprise hatch and the only one. She's about a week younger than the others.

The Polish were bought on a Friday. That following Sunday we went to visit The Guys. And I was given Perky to rehome. He's no Pepito thankfully! Whom I still have scars from by the way.
He's free ranging now. Bela still gives him a hard time, but he's slowly working his way into the tribe. Quaker Jack the drake gave him a hard time for awhile also. But now they seem to have some bromance thing going. They are spending a great deal of time just hanging in the yard.
Perky is a 6 mo old Silver Laced Wyandotte. He's getting some girls of his own in the Spring. He makes the coolest noises and still on half crows.

The next day, Monday I got an email from a young lady who had some rescue chicks that I had given up on getting. She brought them over that eve. Not sure what they are, but the consensus the larger is a Cornish cross. This chick has to weigh at least 2-3 lbs and is 7" tall head to foot already.
Ginger Snap and Checkers aka Chubbs. Coco hatched the same day these got here. They are out in the Foo Foo house now along with Sugar Pop.
The 2 Turkens went to live with my friend Sergio. Sugar Pop in front.

Ok, so in 4 days 7 chickens.

Population Explosion Part 2
Fast forward to 9/10.
Went to visit The Guys again and to pick up my gifted rooster Victor.
While getting ready I get a call from my neighbor. She's at a mutual acquaintances house. We all by chickens from him. He has a trio of Black Silkies, breeders, would I be interested. Well, what do you think? Is there a 12 step program for chicken people?
Humphrey and Lauren

And they girls were kind enough to lay a few eggs, now under a broody.

My Gift
The Guys bought me Victor. A Blue Polish Roo.

If all this wasn't enough, it is ever? We found a clutch of 14 eggs that morning! One of the Turken hens had been gone for a couple of days and I had given up on her. Second time during the Summer. We also found the first clutch and that is where the first 2 Turken chicks came from. So they are under 3 hens, plus the Silkie eggs.

The Invasion Begins
Don't know about you, but we were invaded by Stink Bugs last year. And so it has already started this year. Tony has been catching them in the house and feeding them to the chicks. Elvi get's excited every time he see's Tony now. LOL! Elvi is a roo turns out. He's a house chicken tho, so we can deal.
We've also had a Praying Mantis invasion this year. It's nothing for us to count a half dozen on the Butterfly Bushes in a day. And that's just the one's we can see from the front windows!
I knew that was a bad omen. We are also being invaded by spiders of every shape and size. Yuck! I don't mind them outside, but in the house, I don't think so. I try and live by the Wican Creed of "do ye no harm", but sometimes it's easier to play squish the bug.

First Fox Fatality
I took my MIL to the grocery today. Soon as I parked the van I noticed something red running across the yard. Yep, a fox. Of course this is the day I have on my regular shoes the kind that have a 1" sole and 2" heel. I chased that mf to one side of the trailer and back to the other. We don't have underpinning. Finally it ended up in the dogs run. It and the dog went at it. I yelled, they both stopped and looked at me. The fox took off under the fence. I've got the spot covered up now. I was afraid that the dog being on a chain that could lead to problems.
Went to do inventory. Lost one pullet, just starting to lay. And what really pisses me off is the gdamn fox left it! I mean total waste of a young bird. Found feathers a few feet from the house also. So I'm guessing it came thru the fence, went down by the houses. Caught Peanut Butter (she always hung out down there) and chased her into the house. Feathers everywhere and she was in there. I just pray it was fast.
Took care of her Viking style this eve so the damn thing didn't try and dig her up. With any luck it will end up like the others we can here at night. Squishy on the side of the road.
Peanut Butter was the last of the chicks I had ordered in the Spring. Breed unknown, just started laying last week.
Pricing pred lights tonight. Also looking into a high powered pellet gun. A fox tail would look really nice next to my large Grim Reaper on my bulletin board. Yes, my side of our computer room looks like Halloween on crack all year round.

Until next time, take care all!


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

July Catch Up - Here a quack, there a peep

Here's to hoping the hot weather is about done! I am so ready for Fall.

Birthday Gift
While trolling Craigs List the week of my b'day, there it was, Black Indian Runners!
Showed Sonny the ad. Explained that since I made nothing on selling my other chickens, didn't have the money now. He said he would buy them for me. I usually spend my egg money on birds or profits from bird sales. Then a week of phone/email tag. Hate when people let calls go to voice mail and never call back.
Picked them up on my b'day. They are gorgeous! You have to see them in the light to appreciate all the colors they actually have. Greens, purple, blue.
Rusty took right to them. The chickens could care less.
They love the pool. Graze with the chickens. And the females are starting to eat out of my hand. The drake is still standoffish. Once picked up they calm down pretty quickly, which I love.
Meet the kids:
From the front - Quacker Jack (drake), Negaduck,Morgana
I left them in the run for the first week. They were over joyed when they got to start ranging.

The following Sat
As you know Norma Jean, the Pekin had been setting a clutch. Well 1 week to the day of getting the Runners, they hatched! 4 lil darlings. Since it was to hot according to Sonny who was sitting on the couch enjoying the A/C and playing on his laptop, it was up to me of course. Oh, yes, I had been after him for over a week to build me some sorta a pen in the house. So, drill in hand I went and disassembled the baby pen in the Foo Foo House and set it up in the other. It's already almost 100* with humidity about the same while I'm doing this. But the babies must be safe!
After locating the screws that needed to be undone, lifting the darn thing, getting it out the door was another ordeal. See I have a Silkie and a bantie X who are setting eggs right behind the door! Getting the door open more than enough to squeeze in is a job in itself. So finally got the panel out and set up with panels for the lid. A week later, Sonny finally got around to getting it screwed in for me.
Did lose one to drowning. If anyone would have told me a 1 day old duckling could get into a 9" high bucket I would have told them they were crazy. Don't know how, but one did.
They are about 3X this size now. My Pekins were the same way, grow like weeds.

Last Thursday
Go out to feed the tribe. Have Mama (Black Star) setting eggs in the aviary. To my shock and surprise, 2 little black Turkens emerge! Well, we made it about a day and a half without poultry in the bathroom. Here we go again. LOL!
How cute, huh? They both have bow ties.

Now Today
Foo Foo House again. Done in there, getting ready to go out the door. Rearrange aforementioned broodies to get out the door. Look down. Half a bantie shell, figure it got broke by the door. Nope. A bantie baby popped out from under Dirty Bird! This tiny little yellow fuzzy! Take it into the house. Try to brooder it with the Turkens. Nope. It has it's own box.
Total imprint even tho I didn't help it hatch. It wants to be in my hand all the time. House chicken for sure! It starts carrying on soon as it hears our bedroom door open and won't stop until I go in to see it.
This is the first bantam chick I've had hatch since last year. Boo finally got it right. LOL! He prefers the full size hens. And I seriously had doubts the eggs were even fertile.
Meet SugarPop! The red is from the light.

Everyone else
The 3 surviving Blue Hens and Azule the Silkie are now in the Foo Foo House. Elvi and Beavis the younger Silkie chicks are in the big cage in our living room.
Mama is now setting 6 more Turken eggs. One of the Turken girls Lillith decided to set a clutch somewhere. Sonny found it under one of the riding mowers. They should hatch around the 20th.
Another hen is broody but I'm not letting her have anymore eggs. Don't want to have to overwinter chicks this year. Did that once, and I'll tell ya what, didn't lose 1! More of a PITA since you have to check them more often, but if I had a different set up I would do it again.
The Calls are doing really well. Darkwing is getting his big boy feathers. He's changing every day.
They are very camera shy. Should start laying this Fall.

We did get to the Fair in Harrington this year. Same deal as every year, just seemed like they had less this year.
They did lose I think it was something like 16 poultry and rabbits this year due to the heat. They are supposed to make changes before next year. They should have changed the set up a long time ago in my opinion.

Well that's a wrap for now.

Dawn aka Gothy

Thursday, June 30, 2011

New Direction

Hi all and early Happy 4th!

Well I'm down to 9 laying hens, 1 rooster, the bantams, the foo foo's, 3 pullets, chicks and 5 ducks.
Can't make crap off of selling eggs this year. My neighbor sells them for a dollar cheaper. Oh, and get this. She buys! them from someone else and then resells them to where it's pure profit! They aren't even free range!

"Sold" the Andalusians and 4 pullets to a guy for less than the cost of a bag of feed and 3 Black Silkie chicks. Well yes, it has cut my food cost almost in half. But of course one of the chicks went spraddle leg on me and the other 2 have some icky poos. Then the jerk has the gall to email me to complain he's not getting many eggs! Well, gee, have ya ever heard that chickens get stressed too and will take some time getting used to new surroundings? This after 3 days of I'll be here . . .
I didn't realize until he got here that I had dealt with him before. Last year he showed up after dark looking to buy the Bantams. Well they were too big! He was looking for some sorta breed that does not exist! He's on my block list, done with that shit.

Pepito had to be re homed and is doing great. He started attacking me every time I tried to go into the chicken house. Just doing his job, but doing it wayyy to well.

Rusty and Norma Jean
NJ has made a nest! As of this AM 14 eggs. Still waiting to see if she's going to set them. She does sleep on them at night. This is going to be interesting since I've never dealt with this before.

The Calls
The ducklings are now in their new home. My rabbit hutch. I bought a mixing pan from Lowes and Sonny put it in so they have a "pond". Still not sure if one is a male or not, but keeping finger's crossed. They have been officially named: Houdini, Syren, and Dark Wing (show of hands of those who know where the last name came from).
They aren't as spooky as they were inside. And will now actually swim while filling their pool. Watch out, tho, they do throw the water!

A New Direction
I've decided to go into to the chicken breeding business. We had already planned on getting an incubator next year anyway. Silkies, Polish, Turkens, and Blue Hens.
I'm tired of dealing with hatcheries and there are people who don't want to order a min of 25, or pay out the ass to get an order of 3.
Our long term goal is to move down state and get some acres. We will inherit my MIL's property and that will pay for it. I'm more used to "small town" life and don't really care for where we are now.

Blue Hens
Well I got extremely lucky and was able to buy 5 chicks. From my reading, they are very hard to find outside of the state. I bought 2 white, 1 blue, 1 splash, and one black. I'm pretty sure one of the white is going to be a roo. And I also bought a blue Silkie. So tired of only finding Splash.
They are living in a cage in the living room right now. Almost a month old now.

This is Azul, the blue Silkie who will most likely be a house chicken.

Black Silkies
I'm guessing these kids are around a week or less when I got them Soooo cute! Except for the aforementioned poo and leg problems they seem to be doing o k. They are in the bathroom brooder. I've been adding B complex vitamin to their water. Really hoping the one is going to make it.

Gimpy is in a box of it's own. The other 2 were always running it over. It can get around by using it's wings. Say a prayer for it.

The Guineas
They will be going to the Guineas Guys. Nothing has hatched this year and they are beating up the chickens. That will be the last of them for now. Maybe in the future. Right now I'm happy to be dealing with a smaller tribe.

Hatches or lack there of
The bought eggs did nothing. I'm wondering after talking to someone if they didn't get X-rayed. The box didn't have anything on it saying not to. And the person I got them from is dealing with health issues right now, so I don't see them getting replaced.
2 of my Silkie hens are broody now. Getting them to set on the eggs is another story. So not expecting anything there either.

Until next time, take care.

Dawn aka Gothy

Monday, May 23, 2011

Busy, busy, busy

I know I told someone I was going to do this last week, but well as we know life happens.

So here we go.

Hatching Eggs
Well they finally arrived. I thought they were going to the P.O. but they came here instead. They were delivered on a Friday. The dumb ass who delivered them left them outside! Didn't bother to put them on the porch or take them to MIL's store. Then it rained that night. So should know end of this week if that was worth it or not. I'm supposed to get some replacements if they don't hatch.
This Black Dahlia aka Miss D working hard on keeping those eggs warm and toasty. She's a bantam Ameraucana. I also put a couple of my Silkie eggs under too.

Moving on out
The chicks got moved out of our bathroom and into the Silkie house. The kid fell through but I did sell some to a nice lady from MD. Then they got moved from the aviary to the larger pen.
Guess what's in my bathroom now? Tee Hee Hee

Gray Call Ducklings
If you guessed ducklings you are right. : )
I bought myself a trio for Mother's Day. They are local. The guy decided to do a project with his kids.  His next hatch is going to be Calls and Mandarins. Ducks can be as addictive as chickens. The lil one's will be moving out this weekend to the rabbit hutch which became vacated yesterday.
I think the 2 larger one's are females and the smallest and youngest is a male. Finger's crossed anyway.
The biggest Houdini is very good at jumping out of the brooder, just not back in yet. Waiting to know sex of the other 2 before naming.
The smallest is in front.

The Newbies

Pepito was having problems with his Dad's turkeys and needed a new home. So, now I have 2 new adopted son's. For now he's in the aviary waiting impatiently for his tail feathers to grow back. He has the chicks and the other girl's to keep him company.
He let's the girls know where the food is, even though they can't get to his. But hey, he's making the effort anyway.

Rusty and Norma Jean
I really hadn't planned on have more full sized ducks, but it happened. The Guinea Guy's who brought me Pepito, needed a new home for Rusty. So of course Rusty needed a friend. Enter Norma Jean. Got her from my neighbor in trade for the rabbits. She's a Pekin.
They seem to really have hit it off. She's still shy about the yard since she's not used to free ranging, but he seemed to be showing her around earlier this eve. Now getting them back in the house at night if a lot of fun.
Oh, and yes Guy's, the guineas gave her the same warm reception. I think it's cause of the clutch they are being more protective. They were hissing at the ducks last night. Yes, guineas do hiss.

Pepito. He's a RIR x Ameraucana.  Will keep you updated on his tail.

Norm Jean and Rusty. Rusty is a Rouen x Pekin. Will be interesting to see if they can produce a straight looking Pekin.

More loss
This month I lost Barnabus - Silkie roo, Nevermore - Ameraucana x Black Star who hatched here, Gracie my remaining Cochin. Went thru the yearly bought of "chicken colds" and that took them.
And as of a bit ago, 3 of my Turken chicks. They had a freak accident and the last one went a bit ago.
Sergio please take good care of Morticia!

The Silkie Juvies
They have moved to the living room. Got their first feather trim the other day, need to do again. I trim around the eyes. Soon as Pepito is ready for general population, they will be moving out. I'm afraid of the roos trying to fight thru the wire. They have been named. Raygun, Fluffer Nutter, and Omelet.

More hatchings
Next month should have keets. Joon is on the clutch by the garage in some tall weeds. That is going to be fun trying to catch keets. 27 eggs.
One of my hens, a Cornish x Buckeye, Sundance, has decided to lay a clutch somewhere on the end of the trailer also in tall weeds. Haven't been able to find the nest as of yet.
I think I have more hatch dates on my calendar than anything else right now. LOL!

Say Hello to my little friend
We ran across this guy the other night. Tony said he saw a turtle, so I'm thinking 3-4" one's like we find now and then. Nope. This guy is almost a foot long and a snapper! He was actually following Sundance this morning. Sonny was going to try and pick him up with a shovel and take him back to the crick. Didn't work. So it's still lurking out there somewhere.

Well time to go out and see if I can look like an idiot again this eve putting up the ducks.
Will let ya'll know if the bought eggs hatch. Please send positive vibes they will.
Until later, take care.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Newbies,Eggs and Happy Easter!

Well the newest batch got here a week ago yesterday. All 26 arrived in good order. Of course I have no clue what the majority of them are. Mainly reds and some brown chipmunk looking chicks. Most of the others are Barred. Looks like the Turkens might not all be red one's this time. Yay! Fingers crossed that 10 will be sold at the end of the month to a young man who needs them for a 4H project.
So once again my bathroom is chick central. I am moving in another brooder box over the weekend so they have more room. The temps here are up and down so it's too chilly to put them out in one of the houses yet. We actually have a frost warning tonight. It was 80* here yesterday!

The Silkies
They are doing well and getting bigger. Daily exhibition of chest bumping. Sonny told me to be careful or I would get in trouble for chicken fighting. Ha, ha. One had hurt it's foot, not sure how, but now is using it. I was afraid it was broke.
That's Micro(wave) on top of the cage. She loves to sleep on top of it during the day. Better watch that tail tho!

First Wind Egg
Went to collect eggs the other day and found a wind egg! First one I've ever gotten. Not sure if it's from one of the Stars or Delawares.
The first egg is a standard, next bantam, then the wind egg. They usually don't contain a yolk and are laid buy pullets just getting ready.
Speaking of Eggs
I am getting a box of hatching eggs next week. Thank You Cathryn! They are Naked Neck Silkies! aka Showgirls. I am truly eggcited about this! She has some  absolutely gorgeous birds. One of my bantam EE's is broody. It's funny to hear those sounds coming from such a small chicken. Dahlia get's upset when I collect the eggs she's not setting also. Growled at me the other day when I was!
Tomorrow Tony will be coloring eggs for Easter. This is the first year that I actually had enough white eggs that I didn't have to buy them.
The only problem with him doing this is he doesn't want them used afterward. LOL  Can't get it thru that 7 year old's head that just because they are hard boiled doesn't mean they last forever. I'm going to blow out a couple so he can do them to keep. Which of course means making egg holders out of recycled tp tubes. Well at least it will keep him busy for awhile. : )

Until next time, take care all!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

New Silkies on my desk

Well, ya know sometimes you just need a bit of cheep therapy. : )  So I put thru a notice in a local group I'm in and ended up with 3 Bearded Splash Silkie chicks. Was going to add a couple more Polish, but I am not going to pay $15 each for chicks.
The babies are 6 weeks this week. And a lot quieter! They are living in Smokee's cage for now. One will be a house chicken. To early to tell what sex they are.  Hoping for 1 roo and 2 hens.
The parents are show birds and came originally from the same guy I bought my other Silkies from. He moved to another state and the lady I got these cuties from got the parent's from him.
They are at the awkward getting adult feather stage right now.

Keets Update
Unfortuanately there will be no keets until hopefully later in the summer. Some critter, thinking possum since I know we have those, got into the house we were planning on razing. Of course it got to all my Polish and Silkie eggs first.
So I  had to relocte Mama and the nest. Well, she didn't like that idea too much. So she quit laying on the keet eggs and moved them out and is setting some assorted chicken eggs right now. Not sure if she is going to stay with it or not.
Whatever it was also got to Joon's nest.
All the other chickens and pair of guineas are in the bantie house until we can get the other one ready.
I sold the other 2 female guineas to the guy who took Fred. So now they are all happy together.

Smokee's New Digs
Smokee is now out in the Silkie house. She seems to be fitting in. At least now she has room to roam. And seems to have calmed down.

Pet Store
Went to the pet store today to get grit and a new dog collar. They had ducklings for sale. Get this - $15 for Pekins and $20 for PekinXcrested!  "Because they are cuter". Right. Only 1 looked like it was going to be creasted. I paid $5 each for mine last year, different store.
This store has quiet the set up. You buy the duck. Then in order to take it,  you have to buy a cage and food from them. This is how they do with all their animals.
The salesperson was dealing with 2 ladies and a man. She was showing them a cage that would only be large enough for a guniea pig to live in.
I personally think it should be illegal for pet stores to sell ducks and chicks just for Easter. Sure they are cute when they are in the store. But they are messy, smell, and poop as fast as they eat.
Then people give these to kids who don't know enough or old enough to be responsible for caring for them. Wonder if a study has been done on the mortality rate for pet's sold at Easter. How many end up dumped at a local park or pond not knowing how to fend for itself.
Pekins get large, loud, have very sharp claws and are not a house pet, well, unless you have alot of room. Ducky diapers anyone?
When we checked out, I asked the girl if they also sold chicks. "No because chicks get ugly after 2 weeks and then we are stuck with them." Hmmm, wonder what they do with the ducks.
I see several after Easter listed on CL because they aren't cute or kid's lost interest. Well what the hell did you expect?

New chicks will be here next week!

Just my opions expressed here, your actual milage may vary.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring Has Sprung!

Happy Spring! March has come in like a lion and the April showers seem early too. Soon as it dries up, rain again. Making it difficult to get too much done.

Sonny is starting to work on getting the house that is going to be redone cleaned up more. Hopefully it will be ready for a roof next month. We are going to take the "big" house down just to the corner posts and wait to see where we are next year to deal with that. My in-laws are both elderly and my FIL won't be with us much longer. When time comes for him to go to the hospital for his final days we will move in with Sonny's Mom.

Smokee Update
Well guess what? Smokee is a pullet! Lays a vary pale colored bantam sized egg about every other day. She is also the world's most obnoxious house chicken and will be finding her way out to the silkie house when we relocate. It sounds like living with a jungle soundtrack at high volume during parts of the day. And I don't think my MIL is going to groove on that. Not sure how she is going to take a chicken in the house anyway.
The guineas carrying on get her started and she doesn't know when to stop. So she will be replaced by a new hatched something next month. I think she will be happier and I have another bantam cross out there also.

Babies Next Month
April is going to be crazy month. Currently I have a c-hen setting on 15 guinea eggs and 6 chicken eggs. One of the g-hens decided to start laying in the big house. Of course this is the one that will be raised soon. So one of the Black Stars went broody and is on the nest. She's a good one for doing that even tho they aren't supposed to go broody.
There is another nest Sonny found back of the garage that as of today has 33! eggs in it. Oy! All 3 g-hens are laying there. I think Joon, the oldest is getting ready to set it, hoping anyway. I can see it from my bathroom window. She was on there for 2 hours today and has started pulling feathers. Will know tonight when I put them up is she has yet.
The in the house keets should start hatching the first few days of April. The chicks will be soon after.
And after mentioning to Sonny that TSC was having chick days he asked how much I needed so, well not that I had to, made an order with Meyer. I did call TSC but no one knew what shipping would be! So went with Meyer since I've had good luck with them before and they are closest to here.
Have 5 Turken, 5 Barred Rock and 15 of the brown layer surprise pack (will be money birds) shipping on the 11th. Hoping to have the keets sold off by then.

Bye Bad Guinea and Welcome 2 New Additions
Re homed my buff male guinea over the weekend. He was terrorizing my head roo Bella to no end. Sneak up behind him, bump him and the chase was on. The yard was so much quieter and calmer the next day. The other guineas have stopped bulling the chickens when I feed them in the eve also.
I bought 2 White Crested Black Polish from my neighbor. Zerlinda and Ashes. Z is calm and likes to be petted. Ashes is another story. Z needs a trim, her crest flops over to the left. Which is next weeks project. They seem to be fitting in well. Neighbor's Polish roo disapeared from their cage which is in a box type shed one eve. Since it has only been a couple of weeks, I took what eggs they have laid and put them under the broody. Hoping something hatches.
Leaving what eggs I find in the Silkie house now to see if one of the girl's will go broody for me. They are a year last month.

This month also is my Chickaversary! 3 years ago next week got my first order of Black Stars. Still have 2 of them. My broody mama's. LOL! Yes, 3 years since I've had a break or a vacation.
A few hundred chickens, dozens of guineas, 3 Pekin ducks, laughter, blood, sweat, tears, some bad slips on the ice still love my birds. And would encourage anyone to try their hand at raising poultry.

Till next time, Happy Spring all!

Dawn aka The Goth Chicken Lady

Friday, February 11, 2011

All is Quiet on the Chicken Front

Think Spring
Sure am hoping the groundhog was right and we are going to have an early Spring. Still have snow from the last, well only big one we had this year. Just over a foot. But of course that melts, remelts, you get the idea. So now it's ice, snow and muck.
For some of the birds this was their first snow and they were not happy. LOL! The guineas and some of the Andalusians practiced their flying skills, a lot. Did have to keep them closed up for a couple of days mainly cause of the drifting. And we lost the cover for the run due to the heavy snow. That is next weeks project.
Last summer Sonny bought a couple of rolls of plastic poultry netting and we will be replacing the top with that.

Cabin Fever
It's been too cold to do much outside. And after breaking ice in all the waterers in the morning don't really feel like going back out until eve feeding time. The girl's were starting to lay again until the last snow, now for the most part they are on strike. Not like our first winter with just the Black Stars and I was giving away 18 counts weekly to Sonny's uncle.
So we have been keeping busy with inside projects. Just put in a wood stove. But of course that is just the beginning. Now we have to put up a half wall and counter where the wall between the living room and kitchen was. Tony of course loves not having it there. He thinks the dresser I use for counter/storage is just like a restaurant and things must be passed over it.

Smokey Bleu
Finally got a cage ordered for him. And since it was such a great deal (almost 1/2 off, X large "ferret" cage) it's on back order. Not sure when it's actually going to get here. Sonny would like to have our bathroom back. Over the last 3 years it has been occupied by some species of poultry. Now I wonder if he ever regrets talking about getting chickens. He, he, he!
I was using a pic of Smokey on my profile on FB and a girl I know from back home couldn't believe I had a chicken in my bathroom. Well doesn't everyone?
Smokey is almost black head and the rest grey, it's hard to tell in the pic. Bath lighting isn't the greatest.

Until next time, take care!